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Professional federation of steel companies producing or transforming steel in Belgium.

Company profile

GSV (Groupement de la Sidérurgie - Staalindustrie Verbond), founded in 1953, is the professional federation of steel companies producing or transforming steel in Belgium. GSV has 10 full members, representing about 10.500 direct jobs and 25.000 direct and indirect jobs together.

  • represents and defends the sector at international, European, federal and regional level ;
  • offers its members a package of services ;
  • studies the evolutions in various issues such as the general economy, the market, social affairs, environment, transport, energy, raw materials and analyses their impact on the sector ;
  • informs about performances of the sector and collaborates with the Infosteel to promote the material steel..


  • Ravensteinstraat 4, BE-1000 Brussel
  • T: +32-2-509 14 11
  • E: