Steel Buildings in Europe

Title A.5 Worked Example – Pinned column using non-slender H sections 3 of 4 4 – 96 5657 4 kN 10 5600 10 8560 210000 3 2 4 2 2 cr,z z 2 cr,z , L EI N            E is the modulus of elasticity = 210000 N/mm 2 L cr is the buckling length in the buckling plane considered: L cr,y = 8,00 m L cr,z = 5,60 m 5.7. Non-dimensional slenderness The non-dimensional slenderness is given by : 0,655 8151,2 10 235 149 10 3 2 cr,y y y       N Af  0,787 5657,4 10 235 149 10 3 2 cr,z y z       N Af  For slenderness  ≤ 0,2 or for cr Ed N N ≤ 0,04 the buckling effects may be ignored and only cross-sectional verifications apply. EN 1993-1-1 § (1) EN 1993-1-1 § (4) 5.8. Reduction factor For axial compression in members, the value of χ depending on the non- dimensional slenderness  should be determined from the relevant buckling curve according to: 1,0 but - 1 2 2         where :          2 - 0,2 0,5 1      is the imperfection factor. EN 1993-1-1 § (1) For h / b = 300/300 = 1,00 < 1,2 and t f = 19,0 < 100 mm Buckling about the y-y axis: Buckling curve b , imperfection factor  = 0,34     0,792 0,655 - 0,2 0,5 1 0,34 0,655 2 y      0,808 - 0,655 0,792 0,792 1 2 2 y    